
888 S. Figueroa St #1050, Los Angeles CA 90017



70 South Lake Ave #930, Pasadena, CA 91101


Spring Specials

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Acne scars are more than just reminders of past breakouts—they can also have a lasting impact on your self-esteem and how you present yourself to the world.

Fortunately, advancements in dermatology have led to effective treatments that can significantly reduce or even eliminate these stubborn marks.

If you are wondering whether acne scarring treatment could be right for you, read on to learn about what makes a good candidate for these transformative procedures.

What is Acne Scarring Treatment?

Acne scarring treatment encompasses a range of dermatological procedures designed to reduce the visibility of scars left behind by acne.

These treatments can vary from laser therapy and microneedling to chemical peels and dermal fillers, depending on the type of acne scar and the individual’s skin type.

The goal is to promote new collagen production, smooth out the skin’s surface, and improve skin tone and texture, helping to heal the physical and emotional impact of scarred skin.

Right Candidate for Acne Scarring Treatment

Not everyone who has acne scars is an ideal candidate for every type of scarring treatment. Here are key factors that can determine if acne scarring treatment is suitable for you:

Type and Severity of Acne Scars

The type of acne scars you have can influence your treatment options.

Those with atrophic scars (depressions caused by collagen destruction during the acne healing process) are often good candidates for treatments like fillers or laser resurfacing, which help raise the indentation and create an even skin surface.

Conversely, treatments for hypertrophic or keloid scars, which are raised and form above the skin’s surface, typically focus on reducing scar tissue.

Skin Type and Color

Your skin type and color also play a crucial role in determining the appropriate treatment for acne scars.

Certain procedures, like some forms of laser therapy, may not be suitable for darker skin tones due to an increased risk of hyperpigmentation or discoloration.

Our skilled provider can assess your skin’s characteristics and recommend the safest and most effective treatment options for you.

Current Skin Condition

Ideal candidates for acne scarring treatment should have no or few active acne lesions, especially those that continue to leave scars.

The presence of active acne can complicate the healing process, increase the risk of infection, and potentially worsen scarring.

If you are currently experiencing breakouts, your dermatologist might suggest a treatment plan for acne before proceeding with scar treatments. However, there are certain laser treatments that can help with both acne and acne scars simultaneously, which can be a great option for those wanting a faster result.

Overall Health and Medical History

General health and medical history are important considerations. Certain acne scar treatments involve minor surgical procedures or skin resurfacing that require good wound healing capacities.

Patients with underlying health conditions that impair healing or those on particular medications that could interfere with the results are not ideal candidates for some scar treatments.

Realistic Expectations and Commitment

Finally, having realistic expectations and a commitment to the treatment process are important.

Acne scar treatments can significantly improve the skin’s appearance but may not always restore it to its original condition.

Successful outcomes also depend on following post-treatment care instructions and possibly undergoing multiple treatments or a combination of different techniques.

At Metropolis Dermatology in Los Angeles, Pasadena, LA’s Westside (Brentwood), and Costa Mesa, CA, we understand the distress that acne scars can cause, and we are here to help.

Our team of experienced providers specializes in a variety of scar treatment options tailored to your specific needs. We are committed to providing you with the care and support you need to achieve clearer, smoother skin.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how our expert treatments can help to treat your acne scars!