Lab Locations
Please be aware that lab fees are billed separately from the performing lab that you choose to go to. We highly recommend verifying with your insurance if the lab location is in-network with your policy.
American Specialty Laboratory (ASL)
We send biopsy pathology slides to a processing facility called American Specialty Laboratory (ASL). Please be aware that lab fees are billed separately from ASL.
Post Procedure Care Instructions
- Leave the bandage on for 24 hours.
- After 24 hours, remove the bandage and cleanse gently with soap and water.
- Apply a thin film of Vaseline or Aquaphor and then cover with a non-occlusive bandage.
- Wash and dress the wound daily.
- If the wound is oozing, cleanse with hydrogen peroxide and leave it open for a few hours when home.
- Most biopsy wounds heal well within 1-2 weeks.
- Signs of infection include increasing redness, pain, and drainage of pus. If you suspect an infection, please notify the office immediately via Klara or by phone.
- Within 24 hours post-procedure or if the area gets wet, remove the bandage, wash with cool water, pat dry.
- Apply a thin layer of Vaseline or Aquaphor.
- Apply a Band-Aid over the wound site.
- Make sure to repeat this cleaning and covering for 3 days until a scab forms.
- After the scab forms, you may continue applying Vaseline or Aquaphor daily for the next 2 weeks for optimal healing.
- In sun-exposed areas, apply a thin layer of a mineral sunscreen to avoid hyperpigmentation.
- For procedures requiring stitches, keep the area covered until stitches are removed.
- Sometimes deeper dissolving stitches are used and the body will try to “spit out” the deep stitches. You may find a white string appearing from the skin – OK to snip.
- Please note, the area may ooze and look white or bright red. This is normal for up to 5 days. If the healing appears to be going well after 5 days, but suddenly becomes painful or swollen, please call our office.
- Biopsy / Pathology is partially billed by “ASL”
- We will only call for concerning results.
- Gently cleanse the skin with non-harsh or acidic cleanser the evening of the procedure, even warm water (SOOTHE is OK, but avoid moisturizers, toners, retinols, benzoyl peroxide, masks, or gels).
- Repeat gentle cleansing the next morning.
- Resume gentle moisturizer (HYDRATE + QUENCH), and mineral-based SPF (HYDROSHIELD). Can use GLOW for faster healing and enhanced results.
- Avoid the sun for 1 week after laser procedure as much as possible.
- Some people have miniature breakouts within 3 days as the dead skin sloughs off.
- Peeling and scabbing can be normal.
Our Recommended Skincare
- SOOTHE Cleanser (gentle antioxidant cleanser)
- HYDRATE Ultralite Moisturizer (gentle moisturizer)
- QUENCH Hyaluronic Serum (strongest hydrator)
- GLOW Antioxidant Healing Cream
- HYDROSHIELD Mineral SPF (mineral sheer SPF)
- Avoid touching the area of injection for 4 hours.
- Avoid pressing on or massaging the area.
- Avoid rigorous exercise or excessive heat within the first 24 hours.
- For mild pain, Tylenol is recommended.
- For swelling, you may take an Allegra or Zyrtec daily for the first 3-4 days.
- Botulinum toxin (“Botox”) takes 3 days to start working and gets stronger until Day 14-20. It will relax into the 3rd week for a more natural look and some normal facial movements. An adjustment may be needed at the 2 week mark if there is any asymmetry of expression.
- For filler, swelling is most intense in the first 3 days. Note that some fillers can feel nodular for about 3 weeks before they integrate into the tissue. This is normal. However, nodules that last for more than one month or remain painful should be brought to our attention.
- Bruising may occur, which can be treated with an ice pack for 4-5 minutes at a time. Items that make bruising more severe: aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil, prescription blood thinners, alcohol.
Liquid Nitrogen
Cryosurgery involves using liquid nitrogen (approximately -320*F) to freeze and destroy abnormal skin tissue. This may cause some stinging and burning while the growth is being frozen and may continue while it thaws. Throbbing may persist on any area, especially the face or forehead, but this will not last long.
We recommend Tylenol or aspirin for any persistent pain.
What to Expect:
- The area that was treated will become red, swollen, and may develop a blister. It will then form a scab after a few days.
- Do not try to remove the blister yourself, this could leave you open to the possibility of infection.
- Clean the treated area with soap and water as you normally would. It is fine to get the area wet; however, be sure to carefully and delicately blot it dry.
- Avoid taking long baths, washing the dishes (if treated areas are on the hands), and swimming for at least a day after treatment.
- Apply a thin layer of Aquaphor or Cerave ointment to the site twice daily. If the site is prone to irritation, you may cover it with a bandage.
- The scab will crust over and fall off on its own within 1-2 weeks. A second scab may form as well, and it too will shed on its own.
- Healing takes 1-3 weeks, after which the skin may look perfectly normal or slightly lighter in color.
- If you start to experience signs of an infection such as fever, swelling, tenderness, or oozing from the site, or if the site becomes thickened or raised, contact our office immediately.
Care Instructions for Mollluscum Contagiosum and Warts treated with Cantharidin (blistering solution).
As a general rule, patients can expect the following post treatment:
- 2-3 HOURS: Wash off the medication with soap and water (if clear tape was placed over the lesion, remove it at this time). This is important because the amount of time will control the amount of blistering. If there is a stinging sensation prior to 2 hours, wash off the medication immediately. Placement of the clear tape may cause a blister to form earlier.
- 4 HOURS: Discomfort may occur; control with bathing and medication.
- 24 HOURS: Blisters usually fully formed. Occasionally, there may be some blood in the blister fluid; don’t be alarmed by this.
- 4 DAYS: Crusted blisters fall off leaving superficial abrasions. The skin may look raw and red. This is normal. You can apply Vaseline twice daily to the open areas until healed.
- 7 DAYS: Healed with temporary residual redness.
Possible side effects of Cantharidin treatment:
- Mild to moderate pain – please use Tylenol.
- Burning sensation – please use cold water or ice water compresses to relieve this.
- Itching/Eczema – You may use a 1% cortisone ointment should there be an itchy rash or eczema twice daily for 5 days. Over the counter antihistamines (Benadryl, Zyrtec) can also be helpful. If the itching persists, please call your doctor for further advice.
- Post Treatment hypo-pigmentation, or hyper-pigmentation. This can take weeks/months to resolve. No treatment needed.
- Recurrence – If the lesions remain, or if new lesions appear, we can repeat the treatment after a few weeks or discuss treatments including liquid nitrogen, scraping with a curette, home application of a prescription topical medication, or no treatment.
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
- Avoid direct sunlight/sun exposure 48 hours after your PDT treatment. Wear a hat and stay indoors as much as possible.
- Burning and stinging can last up to 24 hours after your PDT treatment. Ibuprofen taken as directed over-the-counter as well as ice packs is helpful for these symptoms.
- For the first 7-10 days, treat your skin like a sunburn and moisturize 4-6 times daily.
- Wash your skin with clean water or normal saline.
- Do not allow any scabbing or crusting to develop. If you develop crusting, use vinegar soaks (1 teaspoon white vinegar plus 1 cup of clean water) to gently remove the crusts or place a gauze over the crusting and allow warm shower water to gently remove. Do not forcibly pick off the scabs/crusts.
- Redness and swelling may last up to 4 weeks after your PDT treatment. –Â Please note: If you are having treatment on extremities, you will not be able to wear jewelry of any kind for 48 hours after treatment, PDT can cause swelling and potential circulation issues if wearing jewelry. Makeup can be applied after 48 hours.
- If you are having treatment on extremities, you will not be able to wear jewelry of any kind for 48 hours after treatment, as PDT can cause swelling and potential circulation issues if wearing jewelry. Makeup can be applied after 48 hours.
- Sunscreen (UVA and UVB protection, SPF 30 or greater) reapplication every two hours if outside and hats daily are highly recommended.
- Contact the office with any questions or concerns about your PDT treatment.