About Our Sciton Halo Services
Halo provides unique benefits including:
- Ability to treat pigmentary issues and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and pores
- Less painful than traditional fractional resurfacing
- Results in just 1-2 treatments
- Faster healing time (usually within 7 days)
Non-Ablative 1470 nm
The non-ablative wavelength of 1470 nm is tunable from 200 to 700 microns, the optimal depth for treating the epidermis and papillary dermis. This wavelength is ideal for treating epidermal and dermal elastosis, including pigment irregularities, texture, and pore size.
Ablative 2940 nm
The 2940 nm Er:YAG laser provides pure ablation with no bulk heating, tunable from 20 to 100 microns. This superficial ablation decreases healing time through faster clearance of Microscopic Epidermal Necrotic Debris (MENDs) and provides improved results due to an enhanced wound healing response from small ablative injuries.
Integrated Handpiece
The Halo handpiece includes integrated air cooling and smoke evacuation. The integrated cooling provides cold air through the Halo Vortex Adapter, across the treatment zone and is evacuated out of the opposite side of the adapter. Integrated cooling provides comfort while smoke evacuation provides safety for our patients.
DTO Technology
Dynamic Thermal Optimization (DTO) is built into Halo to automatically adjust the power of each individual 1470 nm pulse based on the temperature of the skin. This feature makes Halo the most precise, safe, and consistent non-ablative technology on the market.
Optical Navigation
The high-speed optical navigation system on the Halo handpiece captures the motion of the handpiece hundreds of times every second to track the speed of the handpiece with extreme precision. Combining the optical navigation with sophisticated software to map the skin, the safety of the treatment increases and creates a consistent treatment from beginning to end.
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