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acne on the face of a young man


The Juvederm line of fillers consists of a collection of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers used for various facial rejuvenation and enhancement purposes. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that provides hydration, volume, and elasticity to the skin. Juvederm fillers are meticulously formulated to replenish lost volume, smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, and enhance facial contours. The range includes different formulations tailored to specific areas of the face, such as the lips, cheeks, and nasolabial folds.

Juvederm fillers are administered through precise injections to targeted areas of the face. The treatment is customized based on each patient’s unique facial anatomy and desired outcomes. The hyaluronic acid in Juvederm fillers attracts and retains moisture, adding volume and improving skin texture for a more youthful appearance. The results are immediate, allowing patients to see a visible improvement in their facial contours and the reduction of lines and wrinkles following the treatment.

What sets the Juvederm line of fillers apart from other brands is its extensive range of formulations, each designed to address specific concerns and target different areas of the face. Whether it’s plumping the lips, enhancing cheekbones, or filling in nasolabial folds, Juvederm offers a comprehensive selection of products to suit various needs. The unique cross-linking technology in Juvederm ensures longer-lasting results compared to some other fillers. Additionally, Juvederm is known for its smooth and natural-looking results, as well as its safety profile and proven efficacy.

Metropolis excels in the use of Juvederm fillers due to our expertise, precision, and commitment to patient satisfaction. Our highly skilled specialists have extensive experience in administering Juvederm injections and possess in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy. We take the time to thoroughly understand our patients’ goals and concerns, ensuring that the treatment plan is tailored to their individual needs. With a meticulous approach, we utilize advanced injection techniques to achieve optimal results while maintaining a natural appearance. Metropolis is dedicated to providing a supportive and comfortable environment, ensuring that our patients feel confident and well-cared for throughout their Juvederm treatment journey.

Understanding Moles

If you are unclear on the mole definition, find out more about it here. A mole, also known as nevus, is a cluster of pigmented cells that appear as dark spots on the skin. They develop due to the accumulation of melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells. 

While most skin moles are harmless, understanding their formation is essential. Explore topics such as the definition of moles, their development, and their connection to melanin production.


Types of Moles

Delve into the various types of moles here: 

  • Congenital moles - Present at birth, larger in size, potential for increased melanoma risk.
  • Dysplastic nevi - Irregular shapes, varying colors, higher melanoma risk.
  • Common moles - Everyday pigmented spots, usually harmless. Vary in color and size, often round or oval.


Signs of Atypical Moles

Identifying atypical or suspicious moles involves paying attention to specific characteristics. Watch for asymmetry, irregular borders, variations in color, and any changes in diameter or evolution in appearance. 

If a mole exhibits these irregularities during self-examination, it's crucial to seek professional evaluation promptly. Monitoring mole irregularities helps in the early detection of potential skin issues, ensuring timely intervention and peace of mind.


ABCDEs of Melanoma Detection

Learn the rules of ABCDE for melanoma skin cancer detection, such as the following: 

  • Assess moles for Asymmetry, ensuring both halves match 
  • Inspect irregular Borders
  • Note Color variations
  • Monitor Diameter, with a threshold of 6mm
  • Be vigilant for any Evolving changes in size, shape, or color. 

Understanding and applying these criteria during mole examination enhances early skin cancer detection and intervention.


Mole Self-Examination Guide

Conduct a thorough self mole examination with these steps. Use a mirror to check moles on all body parts in a well-lit area. Look for asymmetry, irregular borders, color changes, and any variations in size. Enlist a partner for hard-to-reach areas. Perform this skin check at home monthly to detect any abnormalities early, ensuring proactive skin health.


When to See a Dermatologist

Book a dermatologist mole check if you notice sudden changes, itching, bleeding, or any concerns about the ABCDE criteria. Timely dermatologist consultations ensure accurate assessments and proactive interventions, promoting peace of mind regarding your skin health. Don't hesitate; prioritize your well-being with professional mole consultation.




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Schedule Your Consultation Today 

Take control of your skin health.  If you have concerns about moles or notice changes, don't hesitate to book a consultation for a mole check. We have customers coming in from Brentwood, Downtown L.A., Pasadena, Costa Mesa & Orange County. Schedule an appointment with Metropolis Dermatology today!

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