
888 S. Figueroa St #1050, Los Angeles CA 90017



70 South Lake Ave #930, Pasadena, CA 91101


Spring Specials

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If you want to achieve vibrant skin, chemical peels emerge as a powerful and effective treatment.

This treatment goes beyond superficial skincare routines, offering deep skin regeneration that tackles a multitude of skin concerns.

If you are pondering whether this treatment could be the secret to unlocking your skin’s potential, read on to discover how chemical peels might just be the transformative solution you’ve been searching for.

What are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are cosmetic treatments that involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off.

This process reveals the newer, smoother skin beneath that is usually less wrinkled than the old skin.

Chemical peels are categorized into three main categories: superficial peels, medium, and deep, with each ranging in the level of intensity of the acid solution used. 

Superficial peels are the lightest, medium peels delve deeper, and deep peels reach the deepest skin layers. This range allows for customization based on individual skin needs and exfoliation goals. 

Transformative Benefits of Chemical Peels

Chemical peels do more than just peel away aged skin—they unlock a series of benefits that can rejuvenate and substantially improve your skin health and aesthetics.

Revitalize Skin Texture and Tone

Chemical peels are highly effective in refining the skin’s texture and enhancing its tone.

They work by removing the outermost layers of the skin to remove damaged skin cells, thereby promoting the growth of a new, healthy layer.

This treatment is particularly beneficial for those dealing with uneven skin tone, rough texture, or sun-damaged skin.

Combat Signs Aging

If fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging are your main concern, chemical peels can help by stimulating collagen production during the healing process.

This results in firmer, more youthful skin. Medium or deep chemical peels can significantly reduce signs of aging, leaving you with skin that’s both smoother and more elastic.

Acne and Scar Reduction

For those struggling with acne and the scars it leaves behind, chemical peels can be a boon.

The acids in the peel work to unclog pores while simultaneously skimming off the dead skin cells that contribute to acne outbreaks.

Over time, peels can also reduce the appearance of shallow acne scars by encouraging cellular turnover.

Enhanced Skincare Efficacy

By removing the outer layer of dead skin cells, chemical peels enhance the skin’s ability to absorb skincare products.

Post-peel, your skin becomes more receptive to treatments, meaning that your regular skincare products perform better than ever.

Sun Damage Repair

Sun exposure can lead to a host of skin issues, including hyperpigmentation and premature aging.

Chemical peels help mitigate these effects by removing the layer of skin most affected by UV exposure, revealing fresher, less damaged skin beneath.

At Metropolis Dermatology in Los Angeles, Pasadena, LA’s Westside (Brentwood), and Costa Mesa, CA, we believe in the power of professional skin treatments and their ability to transform not just your appearance but also how you feel about yourself.

Our chemical peels are tailored to match your specific skin type and goals, making sure that you receive the most effective treatment. Some chemical peels are performed by our expert aestheticians, while more aggressive peels are performed by our dermatologists and skincare providers. We perform a full assessment to determine what kind of peels are best for your particular skin type.

Ready to experience the benefits of chemical peels? Contact us today to schedule a consultation!